It’s not rocket science! as our lease won’t allow that, but it is gobsmackingly new and awesomely useful if you’re a little heavy on video files and light on time and money.

With the nuclear dawn of mobile video*, we all shoot everything from wild weekenders to little Winston’s first words along the kitchen floor.

A few of us might find the hours to edit our video clips into something cool and awesome. Others even entrust an algorithmic app to somehow do the job. However most of us tragically abandon our awesome footage to the perpetual archives of our handsets, hard drives or cloud storage… somewhere!?

Now, at long last, all those clips and memories can be professionally cut together by a team of mooVmoo humanoid editors, into a magical short mooVie for you to show and share forever, for less than the price of a haircut. is a innovative new online platform where you can simply upload your mobile/goPro video clips, add a few notes for the editor, choose some suitable music, and within just a few days have a final cut 1, 3 or 5 minute mooVie (all the same price) to share and enjoy at home or online.
It couldn’t be easier – there’s no other way to cut it!

You shoot it, we edit.